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A 100 Percent Commitment

In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, we are grateful for those choice servants of our Lord who are the “yellow shirts”: Alabama Baptist disaster relief workers trained to help people in storm-ravaged areas.

The volunteers’ training and commitment obviously include a vast variety of disaster relief-type skills. But each Alabama Baptist volunteer is likewise a witness trained in sharing the Gospel with those who need to know Christ.

We are praying for those impacted by Hurricane Matthew and experiencing the very dire circumstances of its aftermath.

Special words of gratitude are due to the many Alabama Baptists who have given through the Cooperative Program.

Notably, this year we are especially grateful for those who are participating in the inaugural Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering since Disaster Relief is one of the five strategic ministries supported by our first-ever state missions offering.

The Cooperative Program provides entirely all financial support for the ministry infrastructure of Alabama Baptist state missions, including offices, personnel compensation, conferencing, materials and other resources.

In addition, gifts to the Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering help provide the support for general disaster relief preparations as well as rapid mobilization and deployment of trained volunteers and of equipment when a disaster strikes.

As far as any contributions made through this web page, those gifts will be used entirely to help people impacted by Hurricane Matthew. We do not save any monies contributed here for future disasters.

Whereas many nonprofits and charities must use a percentage of monetary gifts for so-called overhead expenses, it is Alabama Baptist faithfulness through CP giving that allows this 100 percent commitment for our current disaster relief efforts.

Alabama Baptists and anyone else who chooses to support our disaster relief efforts can be confident that 100 percent of your gifts through this web page will be used to help people during this relief effort.



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