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Oklahoma Disaster Relief

The Disaster Relief office is receiving an overwhelming number of calls and emails regarding the tornadoes that have impacted Oklahoma and the Midwest. It is a blessing to know that our Alabama churches stand ready to support our neighbors with relief and a message of hope. I have been in contact with our partners in ministry and state response leadership from Oklahoma. Please reference the following very important information relating to response partnership from Alabama:

 1) State authorities have requested that volunteers not deploy to the disaster areas. It is essential that only emergency responders and those related to the Oklahoma disaster response plan be the only personnel on the scene at this time. There will be an appropriate time for volunteers to assist with longterm rebuild and recovery.

2) If individuals, churches or associations would like to contribute to relief assistance, we are asked to send financial assistance only. 100% of contributions sent to the State Board of Missions to assist this response effort will be forwarded to the Oklahoma Baptist Convention and used to provide assistance to survivors. Click here to donate online now.

3) There is currently NO Alabama ALERT for deployment of Alabama disaster teams. Oklahoma has a very large and well-developed disaster relief ministry. They also have several neighboring states that will be called on first in accordance to our national protocol. Do not deploy! You will be sent home. Oklahoma state leadership has requested our office to communicate this imperative.

4) Any potential Alabama deployment for the future will be handled thought the normal state to district to associational communication and according to the Alert/Standby/Go-No Go procedures. Please do not call. Alabama will cooperate and observe national call-out protocol.

5) Please reference for the latest information and opportunities to serve. The website will be updated with the latest information. is your connection to disaster response through the State Board of Missions and it will allow us to support other state conventions in a coordinated fashion. I would also suggest you “like us” on Facebook. This social media outlet will provide regular updates.

6) PRAY – Prayer is not part of our ministry, prayer IS our ministry and opportunity to partner by remaining in God’s will.

Thank you for your ministry and support for Disaster Relief. Alabama remains committed to reach our world for Christ. Remember, you make the difference!!!

Mel Johnson
Alabama Disaster Relief Strategist



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