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April 28-29 Storm Update #4

Please take a moment to pray this morning as you begin your day. Your partnership in prayer to assist the Global Missions Disaster Relief Ministries is needed at this moment. I am sure you are now aware that last evening and the early morning hours played host to a very severe round of tornadoes and heavy thunderstorms. Communities across central and north Alabama have been impacted. Please pray accordingly:

  1. Pray for families in impacted areas.
  2. Pray for Emergency Response Officials
  3. Pray for Alabama Disaster Relief teams as they move to minister

Currently we are working to support the following areas with Admin., Assessment, Chainsaw, Chaplaincy, Cleanup/Recovery and Heavy Equipment. Some of our teams began work as early as 3:00 AM.

  • Limestone Association for areas in and around Athens, AL. Six crews are on-site with more in-route. The area has experienced multiple fatalities and large scale destruction from what is reported to be three separate tornadoes.
  • Five teams are assisting local Emergency Management in Marshall, DeKalb, Etowah Associational areas with search and rescue. It is estimated by local Emergency Management that as many as 200 homes have been impacted. Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief is moving to support our five crews with chaplaincy, administration and heavy equipment.
  • Bessemer, Birmingham and North Jefferson Associations are currently conducting assessments. I have been in contact with District leadership to learn that there have been multiple impact sites and that certain communities are as yet inaccessible. Continued assessment today will provide additional information.
  • Franklin Association is receiving disaster relief response.
  • The disaster relief office staff will be receiving more information as the day progresses.

Remember that your prayers make a difference as we work to bring Christ into crisis and begin the long journey of assisting people with the ministry of help, healing and hope. Thank you for your support.

Mel Johnson, disaster relief strategist
Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief




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