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Two Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers rip up flooring using crowbars

Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief wraps up work in South Carolina

After completing 18 mud-out jobs in flooded parts of Walterboro, South Carolina, Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief teams have packed up and returned home.

John Hayes, who served as white hat leader on site for the past week, said they got a lot of work done, made good contacts in the community and saw several people make professions of faith in Christ.

“We were able to complete 18 jobs, which is a great number for mud-out work,” he said.

Mud-out work is time consuming because it involves ripping out all water-damaged floors and walls and treating the house for mold, Hayes explained.

Offering help

As ABDR left, they left the remaining job requests in the hands of South Carolina Baptist Disaster Relief teams, which have been powering through mud-out jobs in nearby areas. Some of the homes needing assistance were still under water when Alabama crews left, so the work will have to wait until the water recedes.

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This article was originally published at



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