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Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief teams getting set up in Texas

The first Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers are on the ground in Huffman, Texas, and getting ready to help this weekend with cleanup in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.

“We’re going to provide chain saw support to the community,” said John Hayes, the white hat leader for ABDR in Huffman. “Right now, we’re still getting set up.”

He said there is a “good bit of damage” to several of the areas near First Baptist Church Huffman, where teams will be based. When Hurricane Beryl made landfall in Texas on Monday (July 8), it toppled trees and left millions without power.

“As I get the assessors in — they’re supposed to come in tonight — they will be out checking and finding the people in the community who will allow us to do their work and make sure it’s something we can safely do,” Hayes said. (Read More)

This article was originally written by Grace Thornton and published by the Alabama Baptist Newspaper.



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