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Alabama Assumes Lead in Monroe, Louisiana

Alabama has assumed leadership relieving Oklahoma incident command in Monroe, Louisiana effective Sunday, April 10. Alabama recovery-teams, shower, laundry and chaplain personnel have been engaged since March 16 and will continue to provide ministry that will now be complimented with White Hat leadership, Admin and logistics.

Alabama had 4 recovery teams arrive in Monroe Sunday evening, April 10 and April 11. A feeding team is also being dispatched to provide support for our personnel.

Teams working in Monroe have assisted more than 100 homeowners to date with 200 additional homes waiting for assistance. There are still areas with structures under water.

Please pray for volunteers that respond with ministry and a gospel witness for those in need.  

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State Missionary Mel Johnson is the disaster relief strategist for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. You can reach him at [email protected] or direct at 334-613-2389.



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