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Update on Louisiana Deployments

Southern Baptists face a nearly overwhelming task as they organize to meet needs. Alabama is one of several states sending trained volunteers to assist. 

1180Two shower units, part of the state fleet, left the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief Center in Prattville, Alabama on Friday morning headed towards the Baton Rouge area. Other units are expected to be on the road soon including two mud-out crews from the Columbia and Baldwin Associations who leave Sunday followed by an additional one from the Tuskegee-Lee Association on Monday. One laundry unit from the Winston Association is also currently on standby.

In total 5 states are active in the relief efforts as local logistics continue to be worked out to increase the amount of people on the ground.

These volunteers represent thousands of Alabama Baptists who are committed to working together to obey the Great Commission. Pray for the survivors as they deal with so many changes. Pray for volunteers to travel safely. Pray that the volunteers will bring hope and healing as they serve in Jesus’ name.

The State Board of Missions is not receiving materials for Louisiana survivors. Please, unless you have received a specific request from a local church in the affected area, do not send clothes or shoes. Monetary donations are being forwarded to Louisiana Baptists from your State Board of Missions.

Here are few key points to remember:




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