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Three Rivers Church ministers in South Alabama after severe flooding

Three_Rivers_RGBFollowing what meteorologists termed a 100-year rain in South Alabama in May, the members of Three Rivers Church, Seminole, realized the cloudburst had brought with it an opportunity to minister to the people of their community.

“A number of people were either flooded out of their homes or sustained water damage to their houses,” said Dan Lowery, pastor of Three Rivers, which derives its name from the confluence of the Styx, Blackwater and Perdido Rivers.

“We had just purchased a van from Silverhill Baptist Church, so we decided to use it to carry water, canned goods and clothing to those who had been hammered by this natural catastrophe,” Lowery said. “While we were making deliveries to these people we encouraged them to attend church, especially the children, and that we would be by in the van to give them a ride to Sunday School and church.”

– Read the full story as originally reported by the Alabama Baptist newspaper at:



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