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Students commissioned for summer missions also offered first-ever DR training

In April 2011 when a tornado outbreak blew through Alabama leaving huge destruction in its wake, people statewide — including college students — were anxious to offer help in any way they could. Matthew Dunson, currently a sophomore mechanical engineering major at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), recalls wanting to assist as best he could without any formal disaster relief (DR) training.

So when the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM) offices of global missions (which includes DR) and collegiate and student ministries recently teamed up to host a DR training session at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega April 11–12, Dunson was eager to participate.

“I’ve grown up doing yard work and also was a part of World Changers in high school, and I felt like this training would combine the things I liked most about each of those activities — manual labor and ministry,” Dunson said. He learned about the event thanks to an email blast that went out to UAB students who are part of the school’s Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM).

– Read the full story as originally reported by the Alabama Baptist newspaper at:



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