Alabama DR is deploying 6 units on Saturday, Nov. 3 at 7:00 AM. Here is the list of what is being deployed:
AL FD 001 (50 Personnel for feeding unit)
AL RC 002 C/M/R/T (12 Personnel)
AL RC 008 C/M/R/T (2 Rapid Response Assessors)
AL RC 041 C/M/R/T (8 Personnel for Mudout)
AL SH 009/L (4 Personnel for a 6 stall unit with 2 washers and 2 dryers)
AL CH 001 (7 Personnel Childcare Team)
8 Chaplains are embedded in the teams. 83 personnel in total for 20-25k meals per day.
The team plans to arrive in Trenton, NJ by Sunday, November 4 at 5:00 PM.