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Philippines Typhoon Relief

In the wake of one of the most powerful typhoons in recorded history, the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions has already forwarded disaster relief emergency funds to assist with relief efforts in the Philippines. As additional donations are received from churches, 100% of the proceeds will be used to help survivors of the crisis with food, shelter and other emergency needs and to assist IMB missionaries and disaster relief personnel providing ministry in the Philippines.

“As with every Level 3 crisis, Alabama stands ready to cooperate with all our state conventions as Southern Baptists respond in a coordinated fashion,” said Mel Johnson, state disaster relief strategist.  “Our volunteers are ready to respond. Until we are called upon, let me encourage everyone to pray and offer financial support.”

Johnson also noted that in an international crisis, each state is assigned a month of the year in which they take the lead for initial response in deploying volunteers. Alabama’s assigned month is March, therefore Alabama disaster relief volunteers will wait to respond until called out. In addition, in-kind donations cannot be collected because shipping is cost-prohibitive.



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