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Oklahoma Disaster Relief Update

A national conference call was held Friday, May 24 involving state disaster relief directors. Sam Porter, Oklahoma Baptist Convention’s Disaster Relief Director was quick to express the following:

image001.jpg“We cherish your prayers more than anything else because it gets long, it gets hard, it gets pretty stressful,” Porter said. “I cherish prayers for me as a director. I have to make a lot of decisions to impact the people that need it most and lost so much — lives, family members and of course all their personal belongings.”

Disaster Relief response efforts continue and thus far have involved volunteers from U.S. Region 3. Alabama volunteers from Region 2 will remain at-the-ready if called on to assist. There has been an overwhelming show of volunteer support to date but state directors have been encouraged to remind churches that rebuild and recovery will be a marathon effort. Opportunities to serve involving churches from across the SBC will be coordinated in the coming weeks and months.
Please continue to pray for areas impacted by recent storms. Oklahoma has requested that only financial support be forwarded at this time. Donations may be made by clicking here.

– Mel Johnson, Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief Strategiest 



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