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Holiday Storm Updates

We currently have 5 active areas of response across Alabama working multiple teams related to the Christmas Day tornadoes and holiday week flooding. Please note the following informational update:

Limestone is working Mudout for a limited area of need and should be able to complete operations without the need of additional teams. I have ordered Shockwave and two additional fogging machines for use in mold remediation and will provide Limestone and Elba operations with supplies as soon as they are received.

Birmingham tornado operations continue with teams, heavy equipment from the area, chaplain teams, and admin.

  • 22 jobs completed on 12/29/15
  • 40 jobs open as of 12/30/15
  • 6 chainsaw teams engaged Thursday, 12/31/15, that involve:
    • Birmingham
    • Friendship
    • North Jefferson
    • Shelby
    • St. Clair
    • Walker

Elmore EMA has requested assistance and the Elmore unit is responding with Mudout for a limited number of flooded homes.  

Elba flood operations continue to expand to include Mudout, chaplain teams, RRAT, and feeding for D/R volunteers. Otis Corbit is serving as White Hat. Operations began yesterday in cooperation with Emergency Mgt. and ARC. Teams engaging for area response have or will include:

  • Covington
  • Baldwin
  • Coffee
  • Columbia
  • Tuskegee/Lee

(OSFA Chaplains from Autauga and Elmore Associations are supporting this effort.)

The Columbia unit has engaged with limited storm damage in Dothan and should conclude efforts today or tomorrow.

Operational needs continue to change daily and I will provide additional information as it develops. Please pause to remember in prayer those providing and those receiving ministry response.

Mel Johnson
Alabama Disaster Relief



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