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Chainsaw teams provide a practical service and spiritual ministry for homeowners during recovery.
Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief chainsaw teams are trained to do the job quickly and safely.

Chainsaw 1These administrative volunteers are part of an initial strike team that goes into disaster areas to assist in setting up the Disaster Relief response network. They arrange for housing, food, and other logistical needs for responding teams. They maintain records of volunteers, hours worked, clients/persons served and spiritual ministry provided. It is their goal to keep operations running smoothly. Admin volunteers will help the response coordinator make decisions about meeting the needs of those affected by the disaster in a timely and efficient manner.

Chainsaw 2Since many people rush to an area and charge large fees to remove trees, it is a goal of Disaster Relief volunteers to get into an area and begin assessment and tree removal as soon as possible. This effort provides valuable ministry opportunities and protects homeowners when they are often quite vulnerable.