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February is Alabama Baptist Disaster Preparedness Month

During the month of February, all Alabama Baptists are being encouraged to have a special Disaster Relief emphasis in their churches. This would be an ideal time to educate the members of your church about Disaster Relief and the many ways Alabama Baptists help individuals and communities recover from a disaster. Bulletin inserts, posters, videos and other special resources are available to you to help you promote this emphasis in your church.

We are also excited to announce that we will offer two webinars that will be available for you to use in your church. One will be focused on developing a church preparedness plan, the other a family preparedness plan, featuring experts in both fields. These will be 15-20 minutes in length and available in late January to view and/or download.

Also, there is a very specific way that you and your church can help us be prepared for the next disaster. Please consider designating a Sunday in February to receive the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief Offering. All money received goes to provide assistance and ministry to individuals and churches affected by disasters. Several free resources are already available for you to download to help in promotion. Many more can be ordered free of charge.

For more information, please contact Mondene Coker toll-free at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 273, directly at 334-613-2273 or via email at [email protected].

Learn more about this special emphasis by visiting



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