Baldwin County hit with flooding
Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers have responded to another need — flooding in Baldwin County. On April 29, torrential rains brought historic flooding to coastal areas of Alabama and the […]
Alabama Baptist disaster relief volunteers deploy after April 28 tornadoes
Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers have responded forcefully after about 20 tornadoes and strong straight-line winds inflicted damage in 31 of Alabama’s 67 counties April 28. The latest death toll […]
Students commissioned for summer missions also offered first-ever DR training
In April 2011 when a tornado outbreak blew through Alabama leaving huge destruction in its wake, people statewide — including college students — were anxious to offer help in any […]
Church responds after Washington State mudslide
Oso Community Chapel is the only church on a 30-mile stretch of State Route 530, the roadway sliced in half March 22 by a massive landslide in Oso, Wash., that […]
Alabama Baptist students serve in Sandy Rebuild effort, other areas
It is spring break time, and some Alabama Baptist students are choosing missions and ministry for their week’s agenda.A Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) group from Troy University, along with state […]
Alabama Baptist churches minister to those affected by unexpected winter storm
Restrooms and free coffee. For some, those words posted on a sign outside Green Valley Baptist Church, Hoover, were the first glimmer of hope. Typically the forecast of snow in […]
Alabama Baptists encouraged to be prepared, equipped for disasters
During the month of February all Alabama Baptists are being encouraged to schedule a special disaster relief emphasis in their churches. The Disaster Preparedness Month emphasis features a church preparedness […]