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Hurricane Relief

Anyone who wishes to assist people impacted by the hurricane may send a check to:

Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions
P.O. Box 681970
Prattville, AL 36068-1970
for: “Hurricane Relief”

Debit card and credit card users may donate by filling out the form below and clicking the “Submit” button.

We will be working with state convention partners in affected states as they minister to people in the weeks and months ahead. No funds will be used for administrative or overhead purposes but only for relief efforts to help people.

Please note: Churches are asked to make their donations by check rather than by credit card in order to maintain the accuracy of church giving reports. Individuals may choose to donate online or by check as described above.

Thanks for your help to hurting people!

Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief workers – our members of the Yellow Shirt Army – are ready to help following the landfall of Hurricane Ida. Gifts to Alabama Baptist DR assist with the deployment of both the volunteers as well as equipment such as feeding units, shower trailers, chainsaws and more.

Your gifts will help people whose lives have been impacted by Hurricane Ida and other disasters. Checks may be sent to:

Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions
P.O. Box 681970
Prattville, AL 36068-1970
for: Disaster Relief

Debit card and credit card users may contribute by filling out the form below and clicking the “Submit” button.

Please note: Churches are asked to make their contributions by check rather than by credit card in order to maintain the accuracy of church giving reports. Individuals may choose to contribute online or by check as described above.

Thanks for your help to hurting people!

Fill out my online form.